11/25 Reading (1 Chronicles 22-24; Psalms 68-69)

1 Chronicles 22: David prepares for the construction of the temple. He brings his son, Solomon, to the area and tells him that he will be the one to build the temple because God told David that he had spilled too much blood. David also prepares his generals for Solomon.

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11/24 Reading (1 Chronicles 19-21; Romans 11)

1 Chronicles 19: David’s conquests over the Arameans and the Ammonites. They fall easily.

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11/23 Reading (1 Chronicles 16-18; Romans 10)

1 Chronicles 16: David establishes worship and offers a lengthy song of praise to God.

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11/22 Reading (1 Chronicles 13-15; Romans 9)

1 Chronicles 13: This chapter is about the first time that David tried to move the Ark. I find it interesting that the version told here doesn’t exactly match the first time we learn about David’s attempt to move the Ark in 2 Samuel 6. I thought the Chronicler had access to the original sources.

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Thoughts up this point

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this experience up to this point and thought I need to just write it down. I expect this to ramble some. And it may not make sense. Oh well.

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11/21 Reading (1 Chronicles 10-12; Romans 8)

1 Chronicles 10: Entire chapter is about the death of Saul. The story pretty much matches what we read in earlier text (1 Samuel).

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11/20 Reading (1 Chronicles 7-9; Romans 7)

1 Chronicles 7: Focus of this chapter is on more of Israel’s sons: Issachar’s line, the lies of Benjamin and Naphtali, Manasseh’s line, Ephraim’s line, and Asher’s line.

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11/18 Reading (1 Chronicles 4-6; Psalms 65-67)

1 Chronicles 4: Now we return to Judah’s line, but instead focus on his other descendants. And now on to another one of Israel’s sons, Simeon.

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11/17 Reading (1 Chronicles 1-3; Romans 6)

For Chronicles: Chronicles is a retelling with significant variations of the books of Genesis through Kings. It is likely that its author had some access to many external sources not found in our canonical Bibles, but the main feature of Chronicles is the remarkable way in which its author deals with sources, rewriting them to fit a particular notion of historical probability, namely, what really could have happened based on notions of how the world worked. (NRSV Study Bible, p. 315)

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11/16 Reading (2 Kings 25; Romans 5)

2 Kings 25: The final downfall of the southern kingdom, Judah. Nebuchadnezzar and his people destroy everything there. What happens with the Ark of the Covenant though? A quick Internet search revealed that there is no real clear indication as to what happened with the Ark.

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