Leviticus 27: The sole title in the CEB version is dedications. The notes actually say that this chapter “looks like an appendix containing rules and instructions about payments” (p. 198 OT).
Acts 11: Peter returns to Jerusalem and he has to defend himself because he ate with uncircumcised men, the Gentiles. He explains the vision he saw as well as the vision the centaurian saw. Everyone praised God when they heard Peter’s story.
The second part of this chapter focuses on more growth of the church, this time in Antioch. Barnabas went to Antioch to see what was going on. He rejoiced when he got there. Then he went to Tarsus to get Saul. They went back to Antioch to teach God’s word for a year. We also see the first use of the word “Christian:” “and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called ‘Christians’” (Acts 11.26). The notes add this: “It appears to be a term gaining currency in Luke’s day that has been retrojected into the time portrayed by the narrative” (p. 1941). This growth of the church is really interesting.
The chapter ends with disciples helping those affected by a famine.