9/5 Reading (Song of Songs 4-6; Matthew 3-4)

Song of Songs 4: This chapter is of the man celebrating the woman’s beauty. First half is pretty descriptive, focusing on her eyes, teeth, lips, cheeks, neck, and breasts. The second half continues with the man expressing his love for her as well as celebrating her beauty. At one point he refers to her as “my sister, my bride.” Now, according to the notes, the use of the word sister “is common in ancient Near Eastern love poetry. It doesn’t imply that the lovers are genetically related but is symbolic of their closeness” (p. 1081 OT). I wonder how Biblical literalists deal with instances like this?

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9/3 Reading (Song of Songs 1-3; Matthew 1-2)

Introduction to Song of Songs: I’m actually kind of excited about reading this book. Curious too. Several people have described this book as sexual and erotic. Should be interesting.

I do find it interesting that the Hebrew title of the book is Song of Songs and yet many people call it Song of Solomon because several people attribute the book to Solomon. However there is some debate on that. Always fun to get that information.

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Growing Enthusiasm

I know that I was supposed to resume the Bible study this week and that has already slowed down some. I honestly was starting to feel a little guilty about it. Not now. Not after a helpful, uplifting, and inspiring impromptu meeting with my interim rector, Father John.

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4/9 Reading (Ecclesiastes 10-12; Matthew 12)

Ecclesiastes 10: Not too much to say which isn’t surprising since I’m just trying to get through this book. I did find these verses interesting:

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4/7 Reading (Ecclesiastes 7-9; Psalms 93-96)


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4/6 Reading (Ecclesiastes 4-6; Matthew 11)


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3/29 Reading (Ecclesiastes 1-3; Matthew 10)

I’ve really struggled the past few weeks with the Bible study. I feel completely alone through this process and it is eating away at me. 

Introduction to Ecclesiastes: It’s interesting to read that one of the two main voices in this book is a person referred to as “the teacher.” This book is still part of the wisdom literature. Overall I’ve been impressed with the wisdom literature. Well, except with the majority of the psalms. Oh well. It’s also interesting that it’s unclear who the teacher was. A fun mystery indeed.

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3/14 Reading (Proverbs 29-31; Matthew 9)

Proverbs 29: Here are the ones I like from this chapter:

1 One who stays stubborn after many corrections
   will be suddenly broken, beyond healing.
2 When the righteous become numerous, the people rejoice,
   but when the wicked dominate, the people moan.
7 The righteous know the rights of the poor,
   but the wicked don’t understand.
11 Fools show all their anger,
   but the wise hold it back.
17 Instruct your children; they will give you peace of mind
   and bring delight into your life.
20 Do you see people who are quick to speak?
   There is more hope for fools than for them.
22 Angry people stir up conflict;
   hotheads cause much offense.
23 Pride lays people low,
   but those of humble spirit gain honor.

Stubbornness, helping the less fortunate, wisdom and restraint, instruction, listening, humble

Proverbs 30: Here are the ones I like from this chapter:

7 Two things I ask of you;
   don’t keep them from me before I die:
8 Fraud and lies—
   keep far from me!
Don’t give me either poverty or wealth;
   give me just the food I need.
9  Or I’ll be full and deny you,
   and say, “Who is the Lord?”
   Or I’ll be poor and steal,
   and dishonor my God’s name.
32 If you’ve been foolish and arrogant,
   if you’ve been scheming,
   put your hand to your mouth,
33   because churning milk makes curds,
       squeezing the nose brings blood,
       and stirring up anger produces strife.

Honesty, arrogance, listening, hard work

Proverbs 31: This last chapter of proverbs is just a few verses of something a queen told her son when he became king and a description of the competent wife. This last bit focuses on the importance of any and all readers to seek out and embrace wisdom.

Matthew 9: Jesus arrives in Capernaum and does some ministry here. Jesus heals a man who was paralyzed. He initially tells the man that his sins are forgiven, which matches the prevailing thought at the time that a person’s illness or injury were because they sinned against God. Some of the “experts” at the time questioned Jesus and said he was insulting God because God was the only one who could forgive people of their sins. His response to them is intriguing (9:4-8):

4 But Jesus knew what they were thinking and said, “Why do you fill your minds with evil things? 5  Which is easier—to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? 6  But so you will know that the Human One[a] has authority on the earth to forgive sins”—he said to the man who was paralyzed—“Get up, take your cot, and go home.” 7 The man got up and went home. 8 When the crowds saw what had happened, they were afraid and praised God, who had given such authority to human beings.

That must’ve scared the crap out of people (if it really happened).

Jesus then sits with several tax collectors, including one named Matthew. This raised flags for the Pharisees because tax collectors weren’t thought of very favorably during this time. This is followed by a strange explanation about fasting that I don’t really get and don’t have the energy to explore any further.

More miracles: Jesus heals a woman who was bleeding for 12 years (actually she heals herself because she touched the hem of his clothes), he brings a ruler’s daughter back to life, gives sight back to two blind men (he warns them not to tell anyone but they don’t listen), and heals a man who was unable to speak (thought was that he was demon-possessed). The chapter ends with general reference to Jesus healing people as he traveled about.

3/13 Reading (Proverbs 26-28; Matthew 8)

Proverbs 26: Here are the ones I like from this chapter:

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3/12 Reading (Proverbs 23-25; Matthew 7)

Proverbs 23: Here are the ones I like from this chapter:

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