2 Kings 7: A siege talked about in the previous chapter is broken, similar to what Elisha said would happen. The military leader who questioned him did not live to enjoy the end of the siege, just as Elisha predicted.
2 Kings 8: We learn of new kings of Aram and Judah in this chapter. Not much else really happens, at least as far as I can tell.
2 Kings 9: Now we see the rise of Jehu, who is anointed King of Israel. He then kills his enemies, the former king of Israel, Joram, the king of Judah, Ahaziah, and Joramās wife, Jezebel.
Galatians 6: In this last chapter Paul focuses on the importance of caring for others. As I said earlier, I really liked this book in the Bible. It was refreshing, especially while also reading Kings.